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Immerse yourself in our stories of excellence, sustainability and family adventure

Jean-Michel Cousteau Fiji Resort celebrates awards for sustainability and cultural immersion, reflecting our commitment to environmental responsibility and authentic Fijian experiences. Discover curated articles showcasing the island’s magic. Let travel journalists transport you to pristine beaches, environmental writers inspire with sustainability tales, and food critics delight your taste buds with farm-to-table flavours.

Unforgettable Fiji experiences for Families

Family destinations don’t come better than Fiji. It’s 330 islands [...]

Why this remote far-flung Island Resort is closer than you think

Jean Michel Cousteau Resort has been nominated under Resorts for [...]

Kids’ Paradise: Fun-Filled Activities at a Fiji Family Resort

Get kids off the iPad and exploring both on land [...]

Five reasons why an all-inclusive Fiji resort makes perfect holiday sense

Kick back, order a drink and do as much or [...]

Why JMC is the world’s best family resort?

Whooshing down a waterslide, exploring the magic of the underwater [...]

Why our nannies are the world’s best?

Hand-picked for their caring, nurturing nature you won’t find better [...]

5 reasons why Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort in Fiji is amazing for travel with kids

Fiji’s eco-luxury Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort has long been recognized as [...]

Dining in Fiji Resorts at its very best

“Dining in Fiji Resorts at its very best” The cuisine [...]

Total immersion in traditional Fijian dances and songs

Fiji has a vibrant and unique indigenous culture with a [...]

3 steps to getting a private island in Fiji and 3 reasons you deserve it

Here are three steps to having a private island with [...]

Molau yalewa (Fijian: Molau yalewa)

Molau yalewa (Fijian: Molau yalewa)Phyllanthus cordata (Phyllanthaceae)   Characteristics Evergreen [...]


BougainvilleaBougainvillea sp. (Nyctaginaceae) Characteristics The genera Bougainvillea contains 18 different [...]

Hanging lobster claw

Hanging lobster clawHeliconia cf. rostrata (Heliconiaceae) Characteristics Evergreen, perennial herb, [...]

False Kava (Fijian: Yaqoyaqona)

False Kava (Fijian: Yaqoyaqona)Macropiper timothianum (Piperaceae) Characteristics Shrub, 1.5-3 m [...]

Screw pines (Fijian: Vadra, Voivoi)

Screw pines (Fijian: Vadra, Voivoi)Pandanus sp. (Pandanaceae) Characteristics Tropical shrubs [...]

Breadfruit (Fijian: Buco ni viti, Uto buco)

Breadfruit (Fijian: Buco ni viti, Uto buco)Artocarpus altilis (Moraceae) Characteristics [...]

Island Musk (Fijian: Uci)

Island Musk (Fijian: Uci)Euodia hortensis (Rutaceae) Characteristics Shrub or small [...]

Red Bean (Fijian: Tarawau)

Red Bean (Fijian: Tarawau)Dysoxylum cf. mollissimum (Meliaceae) Characteristics Large tree, [...]

Red Ginger

Red Ginger Alpinia purpurata (Zingiberaceae) Characteristics Pseudostems, usually about 3 [...]

Coconut palm (Fijian: Niadamu)

Coconut palm (Fijian: Niadamu)Cocos nucifera (Arecaceae) Characteristics Stems up to [...]

Beach Cordia (Fijian: Nawanawa)

Beach Cordia (Fijian: Nawanawa)Cordia subcordata (Boraginaceae) Characteristics Small tree, up [...]

Musk fern

Musk fernMicrosorum scolopendria (Polypodiaceae) Characteristics Like most ferns, they grow [...]

Pacific Rosewood / Portia Tree

Pacific Rosewood / Portia TreeThespesia populnea (Malvaceae) Characteristics Small tree [...]

Ylang-Ylang (Fijian: Mokosoi)

Ylang-Ylang (Fijian: Mokosoi)Cananga odorata (Annonaceae) Characteristics Fast-growing tree (can grow [...]


Mahogany Swietenia cf. macrophylla (Meliaceae) Characteristics Tree with strong wood. [...]

Leba (Fijian: Lembalemba, Mamba)

Leba (Fijian: Lembalemba, Mamba)Syzygium cf. neurocalyx (Myrtaceae) Characteristics Small tree, [...]

Chinese lantern tree (Fijian: Evuevu)

Chinese lantern tree (Fijian: Evuevu)Hernandia nymphaeifolia (Hernandiaceae) Characteristics Tree, 5-22 [...]

Tiger’s claw (Fijian: Drala, Segai)

Tiger’s claw (Fijian: Drala, Segai)Erythrina variegata (Fabaceae) Characteristics Thorny, deciduous [...]

Tamanu (Fijian: Dilo)

Tamanu (Fijian: Dilo)Calophyllum inophyllum (Calophyllaceae) Characteristics Large, low-branching, slow-growing, evergreen [...]


RosemarySalvia rosmarinus (Lamiaceae) Characteristics Woody, evergreen, perennial herb. Fragrant, needle-like [...]

Spider Hibiscus (Fijian: Senitoa)

Spider Hibiscus (Fijian: Senitoa)Hibiscus schizopetalus (Malvaceae) Characteristics Shrub, growing up [...]

Lemongrass (Fijian: Yagiyagi, Coboi)

Lemongrass (Fijian: Yagiyagi, Coboi)Cymbopogon cf. coloratus (Poaceae) Characteristics Cymbopogon are [...]

Polynesian ‘ohe (Fijian: Bitu)

Polynesian ‘ohe (Fijian: Bitu)Schizostachyum glaucifolium (Poaceae) Characteristics Evergreen bamboo species, [...]

Orchid trees

Orchid trees Bauhinia sp. (Fabaceae) Characteristics Trees of this genus [...]


Eggplant Solanum melongena (Solanaceae) Characteristics Delicate, tropical, perennial plant, often [...]

Royal Palm

‎Royal PalmRoystonea regia (Arecaceae) Characteristics Palm tree, up to 20-25 [...]

Small-leaved fig (Fijian: Baka ni viti)

Small-leaved fig (Fijian: Baka ni viti)Ficus obliqua (Moraceae) Characteristics Tree, [...]

Madagascar periwinkle

Madagascar periwinkleCatharanthus roseus (Apocynaceae) Characteristics Evergreen shrub or herbaceous plant [...]

Dwarf Cavendish Banana (Fijian: Jaina leka)

Dwarf Cavendish Banana (Fijian: Jaina leka)Musa acuminata ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ (Musaceae) [...]

Sea Almond (Fijian: Tavola)

Sea Almond (Fijian: Tavola)Terminalia catappa (Combretaceae) Characteristics Large deciduous tree, [...]


PapayaCarica papaya (Caricaceae) Characteristics Trees or shrubs 6-10 m tall. [...]

Common Mango

Common MangoMangifera indica (Anacardiaceae) Characteristics Trees, 10-40 m tall. Leaves [...]

Kava (Kava Kava)

Kava (Fijian: Yaqona)Piper methysticum (Piperaceae)   Characteristics A clumping shrub [...]

Jungle Flame

Jungle Flame Ixora coccinea (Rubiaceae) Characteristics Dense, multi-branched, evergreen shrub, [...]

Passion fruit

Passion fruit Passiflora edulis (Passifloraceae) Characteristics Perennial vine. Fast-growing (up [...]

Star fruit

Star fruitAverrhoa carambola (Oxalidaceae) Characteristics Small deciduous tree, up to [...]

Betel tree

Betel tree Areca catechu (Arecaceae)   Characteristics Medium-sized palm tree, [...]

Mandarin Orange, Mandarine

Mandarin Orange, MandarineCitrus reticulata (Rutaceae) Characteristics Tree up to 8m [...]


MulberriesMorus sp. (Moraceae) Characteristics The genus Morus contains around 15 [...]

Pygmy date palm

Pygmy date palmPhoenix cf. roebelenii (Arecaceae) Characteristics Slow-growing tree, up [...]


AvocadoPersea americana (Lauraceae) Characteristics Evergreen trees, 10-20 m tall. Alternately [...]


PomegranatePunica granatum (Lythraceae) Characteristics Shrubs or small trees, 2-3 m [...]

Malay Rose Apple (Fijian: Kavika)

Malay Rose Apple (Fijian: Kavika)Syzygium malaccense (Myrtaceae) Characteristics Trees, up [...]

Money Tree

Money TreePachira aquatica (Malvaceae) Characteristics Small trees, normally 4-5 m, [...]


SoursopAnnona muricata (Annonaceae) Characteristics Evergreen tree, up to 10 m. [...]


LemonCitrus limon (Rutaceae) Characteristics Small evergreen trees, up to 6 [...]

Arabian coffee

Arabian coffeeCoffea arabica (Rubiaceae) Characteristics Small trees or large shrubs, [...]

Custard Apple

Custard Apple Annona reticulata (Annonaceae) Characteristics Small, deciduous fruit tree [...]

Common Guava

Common GuavaPsidium guajava (Myrtaceae) Characteristics Small trees, up to 13 [...]

Red Malaysian Guava

Red Malaysian GuavaPsidium guajava ‘Red Malaysian’ (Myrtaceae) Characteristics Guava (Psidium [...]

Antelope-type Dendrobium

Antelope-type Dendrobium Dendrobium section Spatulata (Orchidaceae) Characteristics Group of mostly [...]


AbiuPouteria caimito (Sapotaceae) Characteristics Tropical fruit tree, normally around 10 [...]

Surinam Cherry

Surinam CherryEugenia uniflora (Myrtaceae) Characteristics Large shrub growing to 8 [...]


AgarwoodAqualaria crassna (Thymelaeaceae) Characteristics There are 17 species in the [...]


TeakTectona grandis (Lamiaceae) Characteristics Large tree, deciduous, up to 40 [...]

Indian Sandalwood

Indian SandalwoodSantalum album (Santalaceae) Characteristics Evergreen tree, 4-9 m tall. [...]

Shampoo ginger

Shampoo gingerZingiber zerumbet (Zingimberaceae) Characteristics Perennial herb, leafy stem up [...]


TaroColocasia esculenta (Araceae) Characteristics Perennial, tropical plant. Primarily grown as [...]

Golden Shower

Golden ShowerCassia cf. fistula (Fabaceae) Characteristics Medium-sized tree, 10-20 m [...]

Crape jasmine

Crape jasmineTabernaemontana divaricata (Apocynaceae) Characteristics Evergreen shrub, up to 2 [...]

Simpleleaf chastetree

Simpleleaf chastetreeVitex trifolia (Lamiaceae) Characteristics Large coastal shrub or small [...]


RuelliasRuellia sp. (Acanthaceae) Characteristics Evergreen perennial, up to 1 m [...]

Beach cabbage

Beach cabbageScaevola taccada (Goodeniaceae) Characteristics Shrub, up to 4 m [...]

Golden Pothos

Golden PothosEpiprenum aureum (Araceae) Characteristics Evergreen vine, growing up to [...]

Sago Palm

Sago palmCycas cf. revoluta (Cycadaceae) Characteristics Very symmetrical plant, up [...]

Apostle plants

Apostle plantsTrimezia cf. fosteriana (Iridaceae) Characteristics Perennial herbs, up to [...]

Octopus bush

Octopus bushHeliotropium cf. foetherianum (Boraginaceae) Characteristics Shrub or small tree, [...]

Tree ferns (English) Balabala (Fiji)

Tree ferns (English) Balabala (Fiji)Cyathea sp. (Cyatheaceae) Characteristics Mostly terrestrial [...]


GardeniaGardenia jasminoides (Rubiaceae) Characteristics Evergreen shrub, rounded habit, dense branches. [...]

Palmyra palm

Palmyra palmBorassus flabellifer (Arecaceae) Characteristics Robust palm tree, up to [...]


FrangipaniPlumeria obtusa (Apocynaceae) Characteristics Small tree, up to 5 m [...]

Traveler’s Tree

Traveler’s TreeRavenala madagascariensis (Strelitziaceae) Characteristics Monocotyledonous plant, up to 30 [...]

Rubber tree

Rubber treeFicus elastica (Moraceae) Characteristics Large tree, up to 40 [...]

Bush clockvine

Bush clockvineThunbergia erecta (Acanthaceae) Characteristics Erect, evergreen shrub, up to [...]


PeregrinaJatropha integerrima (Euphorbiaceae) Characteristics Ornamental, evergreen, rounded or narrow domed, [...]

Sweet basil

Sweet basilOcimum basilicum (Lamiaceae) Characteristics Annual, sometimes perennial herb, 30-150 [...]

Tongue ferns

Tongue fernsElaphoglossum serpens (Dryaptoeridaceae) Characteristics Elaphoglossum is a mostly tropical [...]

Stiff Jasmine

Stiff JasmineJasminum simplicifolium (Oleaceae) Characteristics Distribution Natural Medicine Properties No [...]


PineappleAnanus comosus (Bromeliaceae) Characteristics Small, herbaceous, perennial shrub, up to [...]


SugarcaneSaccharum officinarum (Poaceae) Characteristics Perennial grass, 2-6 m tall, about [...]

Shield aralia

Shield araliaPolyscias scutellaria (Araliaceae) Characteristics Tropical shrub, 2-6 m tall. [...]

Red flag bush

Red flag bushMussaenda erythrophylla (Rubiaceae) Characteristics Evergreen shrub, up to [...]

White leadtree

White leadtreeLeucaena leucocephala (Fabaceae) Characteristics Small, fast-growing tree. Used for [...]

Cassava (Tapioka)

Cassava (Tapioka)Manihot esculenta (Euphorbiaceae) Characteristics Woody shrub. Although naturally a [...]

Candle bush

Candle bushSenna cf. alata (Fabaceae) Characteristics Shrub, up to 4 [...]

Chilli / Pepper

Chilli / PepperCapsicum annuum (Solanaceae) Characteristics Shrubby, perennial herb, up [...]

Water Lilly (English)

Water Lilly (English)Nymphaea sp. (Nymphaeaceae) Characteristics Water lilies are aquatic, [...]

Asian poison bulb

Asian poison bulbCrinum asiaticum (Amaryllidaceae) Characteristics Perennial herb, up to [...]

Molau yalewa

Molau yalewaPhyllanthus cordata (Phyllanthaceae) Characteristics Evergreen shrub or tree, 3-7 [...]

Siris tree (Fiji)

Siris tree (Fiji)Albizia lebbeck (Fabaceae) Characteristics Tree, up to 25 [...]

Beach morning glory

Beach morning gloryIpomoea pes-caprae (Convolvulaceae) Characteristics Perennial, creeping vine. Grows [...]

Blind your eye mangrove

Blind your eye mangroveExcoecaria agallocha (Euphorbiaceae) Characteristics Small tree, up [...]


HibiscusHibiscus rosa-senensis (Malvaceae) Characteristics Bushy, evergreen shrub or small tree, [...]


BarringtoniaBarringtonia edulis (Lecythidaceae) Characteristics Small, evergreen tree. Seeds edible, sold [...]

True Mangrove

True MangroveRhizophora sp. (Rhizophoraceae) Characteristics Rhizophora species generally live in [...]

Curry Tree

Curry TreeMurraya Koenigii (Rutaceae) Characteristics Small tree, growing up to [...]


PongamiaMilletia pinnata (Fabaceae) Characteristics Tree, 15-25 m tall, with a [...]


TatakiaAcacia simplex (Fabaceae) Characteristics Perennial climbing tree, up to 12 [...]


TaroColocasia esculenta (Araceae) Characteristics Perennial, tropical plant. Primarily grown as [...]

Giant Taro

Giant TaroAlocasia cf. macrorrhizos (Araceae) Characteristics Rhizomatous, evergreen, perennial herb, [...]

Garden Croton

Garden CrotonCodiaeum variegatum (Euphorbiaceae) Characteristics Tropical, evergreen, monoecious (male and [...]

Palm Lily

Palm lilyCordyline fruticosa (Asparagaceae) Characteristics Evergreen, palm-like, woody plant, up [...]

Parrot flower

Parrot FlowerHeliconia cf. psittacorum (Heliconiaceae) Characteristics Erect, evergreen, perennial herb, [...]

Spider Lily

Spider LillyHymenocallis tubiflora (Amaryllidaceae) Characteristics Bulbous, perennial herb, up to [...]

Noni (English) Kura (Fiji)

Noni (English) Kura (Fiji)Morinda citrifolia (Rubiaceae) Characteristics Tree, up to [...]


CopperleafAcalypha hispida(Euphorbiaceae) Characteristics Evergreen shrub, up to 3 m tall. [...]

Asiatic pennywort/Gotu Kola

Asiatic pennywort/Gotu KolaCentella asiatica (Apiaceae) Characteristics Herbaceous, frost-tender, perennial plant. [...]

Beach Hibiscus

Beach HibiscusHibiscus tiliaceus (Malvaceae) Characteristics Tree, up to 10 m [...]


TamarindTamarindus indica (Fabaceae) Characteristics Long-lived tree, up to 18 m. [...]

Chinese Hibiscus

HibiscusHibiscus rosa-senensis (Malvaceae) Characteristics Bushy, evergreen shrub or small tree, [...]


YaroPremna cf. serratafolia (Lamiaceae) Characteristics Small tree or shrub, up [...]

Vesi (Fiji) Pacific Teak (English)

Vesi (Fiji) Pacific Teak (English)Intsia bejuga (Fabaceae) Characteristics Big tree, [...]

Flame Tree

Flame TreeDelonix regia (Fabaceae) Characteristics Tree, noted for its fern-like [...]

Small-leaved fig

Small-leaved figFicus obliqua (Moraceae) Characteristics Distribution Traditional medical use in [...]

Surinam Cherry

Surinam CherryEugenia Uniflora (Myrtaceae)   Characteristics Large shrub growing to [...]

Top historical sights to see in Fiji

People have lived in the fiji islands for thousands of years. Here now are some of the top historical places to visit in Fiji.

Great Romance Begins with a Loving Gesture

Romance is all about making your special someone feel valued [...]

3 classic Fijian dishes you can cook at home

Whether you are missing your holiday or want to treat your taste buds, the Jean-Michel Cousteau team has three easy Fijian recipes you can cook at home!

Our quick guide on how to experience Fiji like a local

While enjoying your stay at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, follow this guide to go beyond the tourist experience and embrace the real Fiji.

The Perfect Babymoon in Fiji

The Perfect Babymoon in Fiji – Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Holidays

Where is the best family holiday? What makes it special?

Where is the best family holiday? What makes it special? [...]

Diving the Gorgeous, Unspoiled Namena Marine Reserve in Fiji

Just 40 minutes away from the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort by boat, the Namena Marine Reserve is considered to be one of the top ten dive sites in the entire world.

Where is the World’s Most Romantic Destination?

Where is the world's most romantic destination? Where is the [...]

Top 5 Things To Do In Fiji For Nature Lovers

For nature lovers, the top 5 things to do in Fiji include visiting a breathtaking waterfall, touring a pearl farm, and exploring a botanical garden.

What is the best new activity to share as a family?

There is a world-class experience you can share with your [...]

Reasons to have a destination wedding in Fiji

Considering a destination wedding in Fiji? Here are just a handful of reasons why you may want to get married at a 5 star Fiji resort.

Authentic Fijian dishes to try on your trip to the islands

The best way to experience the culture on a romantic Fiji getaway is to eat the traditional fare. Here are some must-try Fijian dishes.

Where is the best place to scuba dive in Fiji?

The Cousteau name is synonymous with scuba diving. When Jean-Michel [...]

Ring in the New Year at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort

Why not spark a little magic of your own at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort?

Why might you be interested in a vacation in Fiji?

Here are a few reasons why Fiji should be your next vacation destination.

How can I feel like myself again?

Fiji Spa and Wellness Healing at Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji [...]

When You Think of Sustainability, What You Should Ask

When you think of Sustainability, ask: How do I want [...]

The benefits of beachfront yoga

Staying at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort? Start the day the right way – here’s why a morning beachfront yoga session is good for the mind, body, and soul.

How the South Pacific Ocean benefits your skin

A dip in the Fijian ocean isn’t only beneficial for the mind and soul – your skin will love soaking in the mineral rich waters, too.

Fun facts to know before your first Fiji holiday

Fiji is a tropical island paradise, complete with friendly locals and impressive coral reefs. What should first-time visitors to Fiji know before they go?

How can I learn about sustainability while on holiday in Fiji?

At Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji guests have ample activities to [...]

The Family Resort in Fiji Where New Friendships are on the Menu

When you have been to Fiji you leave with a [...]

Is it time for a remote work escape in Fiji?

Remote working is the future, providing the perfect opportunity to book an island escape in the beautiful surrounds of Fiji and find your work-life balance.

How a digital detox can improve your health

Put down the screen and make memories – a digital detox escape to Fiji is the perfect way to improve your personal health and relationships.

The story behind the Fijian pearls gifted to Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle was recently gifted a Fijian pearl necklace. Find out how you can obtain a similar design when staying at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort.

Snorkeling versus diving – which one’s right for you?

Snorkeling and scuba diving are two popular activities at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort. Are you ready to immerse yourself in an underwater world of adventure?

3 tips for proposing on your Fiji holiday

Are you looking to propose on your Fiji holiday? Here at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, we specialise in romance. See how we can help.

Different ways to volunteer on your holiday to the Fiji Resort

Are you looking to volunteer on your holiday to Fiji? Discover different ways to give back with the help of the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort.

Celebrate Fiji Day in style at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort!

Have you heard about Fiji Day? Find out what this important day means for Fijians all over the world and how you can get involved!

Uncover the legends of Fiji

Are you looking to uncover the secrets of Fiji? Where better place to start than the legends who founded and protected these beautiful islands?

What is traditional Fijian massage?

There is no better way to relax than a Fijian massage with the sound of waves lapping in the background. Find out more about why Fijian massage is so therapeutic.

Three incredible day trips to take from Vanua Levu Island

There’s so many things to do on Vanua Levu that you’ll never be bored. We picked three of our favourite Vanua Levu day trips to help you choose.

The perfect romantic day at Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji

The beautiful white sand beaches of the Jean-Michel Cousteau resort are the perfect spot for a romantic holiday in Fiji. We imagined the perfect day there.

Why is Vanua Levu such a great spot for a family holiday?

Savusavu Bay in Vanua Levu may just be the best spot for a family holiday in Fiji. We have a look at what the area has to offer your little ones.

What marine life will you see diving on beautiful Vanua Levu?

Fiji is the soft coral capital of the world and Savu Savu Bay the perfect place to experience it. Here’s what you can expect to encounter under the water.

Release your inner zen at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort

Restoring balance and harmony starts with a luxury holiday to the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort. Find out how you can unwind with us today.

Why the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort is the world’s leading eco resort

The Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort isn’t just dedicated to providing five star luxury to all guests, we’re extremely passionate about practising eco-friendly methods at all times. Our passion for the environment has led to us winning Australasia’s Leading Green Hotel award by the World Travel Awards.

What makes the people of Fiji so happy?

The people of Fiji are recognised around the world for being incredibly happy, but we don’t just know it, a recent Gallup study confirmed it! But what is the reason behind Fiji taking the number one spot? From the tropical cuisine to the sun-soaked beaches, there are plenty of reasons we can think of!

Tips for surviving a holiday with young kids

When embarking on a holiday with young kids, it can be tricky finding a balance of things to do, what to eat and where to stay. The last thing any parent wants is a vacation filled with stress and tantrums, especially when paying a lot of money for the privilege! Be sure to stay at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort!

Cocktail recipes inspired by the tropical paradise of Fiji

Want to experience a taste of Fiji in your own home? With the help of the experts at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, learn how you can create three tropical cocktails perfect for sharing with friends at your very own Tiki party. Incredibly easy to make and delicious, you’ll feel ready for Fiji in no time!

3 benefits of booking an all-inclusive holiday to Fiji

Looking to book a family holiday to Fiji? Eliminate the stress of organising everything yourself by booking an all-inclusive vacation to the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort. Here, we’ll take care of all the finer details so you can spend more time having fun and less time worrying. Sound good? Discover more benefits here.

Cultural activities to get involved with on your Fijian holiday

Fiji is full of fascinating history and ancient traditions – two things we’re proud to embody here at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort. If you’re ready to immerse yourself in a wide range of cultural activities, find out what you can get involved with while staying at our luxury five-star resort.

Have you experienced yoga in paradise?

Get ready to enter a world of pure relaxation and rejuvenation at the five star luxury Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort in Fiji. With beach-front spa bures hosting an incredible range of South Pacific treatments and complimentary sunrise yoga sessions by the water’s edge, you’ll never want to leave our resort.

How to become a certified diver on your holiday in Fiji

Snorkelling and scuba diving is a great way to witness the unparalleled beauty below the waves off the shore of the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort. If you’re looking to further your interest and gain a reputable diving certificate, discover just how you can get involved.

What is a traditional Fijian kava ceremony?

Culture is high on the agenda at the luxury five star Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort in Fiji. We are proud to practise various traditions throughout the resort, including the kava ceremony. Find out exactly what is involved and how you can immerse yourself in this fascinating practice.

Plan your perfect Valentine’s Day in Fiji this year

A world of romance awaits at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort. Make this Valentine’s Day one to remember by indulging in a range of incredible activities whilst enjoying your luxury five star Fijian holiday. Here are just some of the amazing things you can do.

What to do when it’s raining on your Fijian holiday

Although the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort is bathed in warm sunlight for the majority of the year, sometimes – just like anywhere on the planet – it does rain. However, don’t let a little wet weather damper your spirits, there’s still so many fun activities to do if it does!

How to help preserve the coral reefs of Fiji

Coral reefs are not only stunning to look at, they also serve an extremely important purpose. However, these underwater ecosystems are under threat of being lost in years to come. Learn how you can help to preserve Fiji’s coral reefs while enjoying your stay at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort.

3 photography tips for capturing the beauty of Fiji

Are you ready to embark on your luxury family holiday to the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort? With so much to see and do, what better way to show the beauty of Fiji to friends and family back home, than through photographs? Learn handy tips to help you perfect stunning shots.

Get ready to feel the music of Fiji

Are you getting ready to depart on your luxury family holiday to the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort? Enjoy the perfect soundtrack for your time spent with us by discovering the incredible music of Fiji. You’ll be tapping those sandy toes and moving along with the swaying palm trees in no time!

Enjoy a taste of Fiji in your own home

If you’re hungry for some delicious and traditional Fijian food, check out some of the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort’s favourite recipes to try at home.

A beginner’s guide to snorkelling

The Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort is the perfect place to snorkel. Not sure where to begin? Follow our beginner’s guide for easy tips and tricks!

Go green at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort

Being green is one of the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort’s main focuses. Find out some of the ways that we help preserve the precious space around us.

What wildlife will you find at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort?

There’s so much wildlife to spot while enjoying your holiday to the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort. Which creatures will you spot?

Learn how to play beach rugby on your Fiji family holiday

Beach rugby is a fun and popular game to play. Learn the rules ready for your family holiday to the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort.

3 reasons to embark on a second honeymoon to the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort

Ever wanted to take a second honeymoon? Now you can! Discover why you should and why you should head to the island paradise of the Fiji Resort.

3 reasons to spend Christmas at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort

Sick of spending Christmas at home? Discover how the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort can create a festive season worth remembering.

Choose the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort as your first couples holiday destination

Choosing where to go on your first couple’s holiday can be a tricky decision. Look no further than the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort in Fiji.

The healing powers of hitting the beach with your family

Can beach holidays really make us happier? Discover more benefits while enjoying a family holiday to the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort.

Explore the aquatic paradise of the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort

Discover just why your children will never want to leave the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort. With so much water-fun, why would they?

3 reasons why Fiji should be top of your travel bucket list

Trying to decide where to travel to for your next couple’s holiday? Look no further than Fiji. Home to the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, it’s a top choice!

Easy ways to keep healthy on your Fiji holiday

When going on holiday, some people may worry that they won’t get enough exercise. At the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, this doesn’t have to be the case.

Fun facts you didn’t know about Fiji

Fiji is full of sun, history, endless exploring opportunities and makes for the best family holiday destination. Discover fun facts here!

How can the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort bring you closer to Fiji’s incredible food?

Fiji is famed for its incredible food, along with friendly culture and sunny island life. Find out more about the food that awaits your arrival!

Everything you need to know before departing on your couples holiday to Fiji

Before departing on your five-star couples holiday to the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, be sure to remember these tips regarding Fiji.

Why the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort is the ultimate wedding destination

Find out how the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort can help transform your wedding ceremony into the stuff of dreams, with the help of our expert staff.

Teach your kids these 10 phrases for your holiday in Fiji

Before departing on your family holiday to the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort in Fiji, teach your kids these ten common phrases!

3 reasons why your kids will love the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort

Find out why your children will love spending a holiday here at Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort. From snorkelling to our Bula Club, there’s so much to do!

What to see when you go diving at Jean Michel-Cousteau Resort

Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort have got everything to make your Fiji holiday as perfect as can be. Find out all about our extensive diving packages here.

Fun beach games to play with the whole family

While enjoying your stay at the Jean-Michel Cousteau 5 star resort, why not try your hand at these family fun beach games on our nearby beach?

Top alternatives to lying on a beach all day

Although lying on the beach all day is sometimes all we want, enjoying the surroundings is a great pastime too. Discover just what you can do here.

Hire your very own private island paradise for the day

If you are dreaming of your own private island getaway, find out just how Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort can turn it into a reality.

How to spend the perfect day on a family holiday in Fiji

For a family fun day in Fiji, look no further than Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort. With so much to see and do, there’s endless adventure to be had.

Top tips for taking great underwater photos

If you want to show everyone back home some of the unique beauty of Fiji’s oceans, there’s no better way than to dabble in some underwater photography.

3 spa treatments to try on your Fijian holiday

Here are three of our blissful spa treatments to help you loosen those knots and rejuvenate your skin.

Why it’s important to go on holiday

Sometimes it feels impossible to even imagine going away on holiday. Here are just a few of the reasons why you shouldn’t put off that Fiji getaway.

What is a Fijian Lovo?

One of the amazing experiences we offer our guests is a Fijian lovo, a banquet cooked using an earth oven. Read on to find out more about this tasty meal.

5 water sports to try on your family holiday in Fiji

Dive in, the water’s fine! Here are some of our top water sports and activities that you can try on your next luxury family holiday in Fiji.

Planning the perfect proposal on your Fiji holiday

There’s no better time to get down on one knee than during a luxury couples holiday on the blissful shores of Fiji. Here are a few romantic proposal ideas!

3 fun family activities for your Fiji holiday

Make memories of a lifetime on your family holiday to Fiji at the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort. Here are but three of our many fun activities for you!

3 ways Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji helps conserve the natural environment

At Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji, we’re passionate about conserving our environment. Here are three ways we’re giving our beautiful planet a helping hand.

4 fabulous reasons to choose the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort for your Fijian holiday

When booking your Fiji holiday, you shouldn’t settle for anything but the best. Here are four reasons to plump for the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort.

5 must-dos for your Fiji honeymoon

Your Fiji honeymoon is one of those times in life that calls for pure luxury, relaxation and indulgence. Here are five things you and your spouse will love.

Relax as your children learn to cook in Fiji

Discover the best of both worlds as you relax while the children learn to cook Fijian dishes on your Fiji family holiday.

Fun family activities to do on your Fiji holiday

Take the family on an adventure on your all inclusive Fiji resort holiday! From paddle boarding to traditional Fijian storytelling, fun is guaranteed.

Discover the pearls of the sea with your partner in Fiji

Little is more romantic than discovering some of the world’s rarest pearls with your partner in Fiji with the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort.

How to have the most romantic Fiji-getaway

At the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, you are guaranteed to have the romantic Fiji getaway of a lifetime. From private islands to yoga, we offer it all.

3 Fijian day excursions you and your partner will love

If you want the ultimate romantic holiday experience with your partner in Fiji, you’ll want to go on at least one of these excursions!

Catch the fish of your dreams at Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji

The waters of Savusavu offer some of the best fishing in the South Pacific, and you can hook a whopper on a trip with Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji.

3 reasons to go kayaking when staying at Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji

When you stay with us at Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji, you’ll have the chance to try many new things. Kayaking is one of them – be sure to give it a go.

Three unusual Fiji attractions away from the beaten track

There are many things to see and do in Fiji, so much so it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are three activities you may not have considered.

Why is the Jean-Michel Cousteau Fiji resort just perfect for a romantic getaway?

There are few romantic getaways that can rival Fiji. Here’s why you should choose the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort as a place to let your love show.

Learn to scuba dive on your Fijian holiday

The Cousteau Dive Centre offers a number of courses including PADI certification that will equip you with the skills and confidence to enjoy diving.

The Bula Club: The Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort’s superb children’s program

At the Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, we’re renowned for our child-friendly policy. The Bula Club is an award-winning program – read on to find out why.

3 great dive spots to explore in Fiji

Fiji is home to several world-class diving sites. Each are home to a unique array of marine life and spectacular scenery – here are three of our favourites.


A chorus of acclaim with prestigious awards

Each recognition echoes the resort's unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility and authentic Fijian experiences.

Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji Awards

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