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Royal Palm

ā€ˇRoyal Palm

Roystonea regia (Arecaceae)


Palm tree, up to 20-25 m tall. Trunk stout, very smooth and grey-white with a characteristic bulge below a distinctive green crownshaft.

Root nodules containing Rhizobium bacteria have been found on Roystonea regia trees in India, normally known from Fabaceae-species. This was the first (!) record of root nodules in a monocotyledonous tree.


Native to Mexico, Central America, Carribean and Southern Florida. Today, planted as ornamental palm throughout the tropics and subtropics.

Natural Medical Properties

No known.

Did you know?

Best known as an ornamental palm tree, it is also used as a source of thatch and construction timber. It is the National tree of Cuba and has a religious role in many countries used by Christians in Palm Sunday observances.

Further reading:


World Flora Online
WorldChecklist of Selected Plant Families
A working list of all plant species


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